Thursday, January 11, 2007

Today is less fun than one might hope

Today: Snow and ice. Again. My neighborhood is relatively unaffected (as usual - damn you sea level!) but many others got a snow day. Lucky butts. Of course, if this keeps up the kids of Western Washington are going to have a summer break that lasts exactly eleven and one half days.

Man, I did have something fun to post but I'm drawing a big ole blank right now...

Started and Finished reading: The Firework Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman. Yes, I know it's written for seven-year-olds but I love the His Dark Materials Trilogy so much that I'll read most anything by Pullman. (Except the Sally Lockhart books - I don't have any idea why that is either.) This one is fun if a tad...disjointed? I kept thinking I was skipping pages (but I wasn't) or that something was wrong with my edition - like maybe every 18th page didn't make it to the printer or something. Odds are I was just reading a skoosh too far below my reading level. Not that I'm bragging.

Time for a very late lunch. I'll report back though my psychic powers lead me to believe it'll be a chicken Caesar salad.

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