Monday, January 8, 2007

I forget stuff (I bet you do too)

Sometimes it's important stuff, most times it's not really. (Books I've read, tasty lunches I ate, promises I've made, reasons I'm pissed at you and/or the world, etc.) But I'm hoping this blog will help me hang onto some of those otherwise destined to be forgotten or only dimly recalled things. I mean I know it won't help me find my keys when I misplace them (though how great would that be!), but it might help me keep things in perspective and my sense of humor cued up. (I'm sooo hilarious in my head...well you'll see I'm sure!)

So a few minor items:

Currently reading: Stupid and Contagious by Caprice Crane. (Oooh, Amazon currently has it bargain priced @ $5.19. You should go get it! I get no kickbacks as I'm not Caprice Crane and am too lazy to set up an Amazon referral account.) This book is so sharp and funny and if I could have stayed home from work today to finish it, I really would have. Stupid work. (Note to ethicists everywhere: I'm blogging this on my state mandated lunch break okaaaay!)

Today's addiction: Parentheses. (Seriously, right?)

Secretly proud of myself for: Spelling parentheses right on my first try.

News In Brief:
New York Has New Pervasive Stink No One Can Figure Out
Pigeons, Sparrows and Grackles Dropping Dead All Over Austin
Snow Expected AGAIN in Seattle Area

End of Days Apparently On Somebody's Speed Dial

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